Dr. Kim has returned to the comforts of his home, which has lifted his spirits. He is currently receiving great in-home hospice care, with around-the-clock nursing assistance, which has added to his sense of security, safety, and peace. Please pray that this transition in his care will continue to go smoothly and that he and his family, who are immensely grateful for your incredible outpourings of love and prayers, will be filled with the peace and shalom of Christ that transcends all understanding.
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Dear JAMA Prayer Partners and Friends, We praise God for the improvements seen in Dr. Kim’s condition. He was able to be transferred from...
Dear JAMA Prayer Partners and Friends, We praise God for Dr. Kim's miraculously improved condition. His swelling has decreased. The...
Dear JAMA Prayer Partners and Friends, With heavy yet hopeful hearts, we ask you to join us in urgent prayer for our beloved founder,...
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