Prayer Updates for
The United States of America
Preparations are taking place across America as it prepares for the 2018 National Day of Prayer that will commence on May 3. Please pray that this Day of Prayer will serve as a marker in convicting the hearts across America to place more trust in God, looking to the Father for His divine blessings and special leadings.
Summit Meetings are planned to take place between North and South Korea in April 2018 and between the United States and North Korea in May. We submit our prayers before the LORD – the author and perfector of history, seeking His wisdom and strength to resolve the conflicts between the two Koreas, bringing hope and unification to the Korean Peninsula.
Please pray for the November 2018 Midterm Elections. America will be voting for individuals in the House of Representatives, the Senate, as well as for State Officials and Public Servants. Please pray that those who are installed into office will be qualified, apt, and capable individuals, honoring the will of the LORD, and working to turn this nation back to Him.
May America recognize the importance and value of life. As legislations for abortion continue to be discussed throughout the nation, please pray that the Supreme Court would establish laws and reforms to, once and for all, put an end to abortion, help restore human dignity and the sanctity of life, whilst alleviating all other associated crimes.
Jesus Christ, the LORD, is the only answer. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon this land. Let us cry out for a great revival.
Prayer Updates for JAMA
Renovations and repairs are in full swing at the JAMA Global Campus. The projected timeline entails completing TWO Dormitories and a Lecture Hall, alongside various other projects on the property by June 2018. This will not only allow JAMA to welcome the first Global Leadership Development Institute (GLDI) to Lindale, Texas, but it will also afford opportunities for churches and partnering ministries to use the facilities on the Campus. Please pray that the necessary remodeling and repairs alongside projected projects for this phase will be completed in 2018 and that God would continue to appoint divine meetings and sending the right people to fulfill the mission of the Campus.
JAMA will be welcoming its 13th Class of students for the Global Leadership Development Institute, beginning this June 15, 2018 – the first class to attend at the JAMA Global Campus in Lindale, TX. Please pray that every facet, from preparations to completion, will be covered by the grace of God and led by the Holy Spirit. Please pray also that God would send qualified and prepared students to this year’s program.
Please partner with us and pray for upcoming gatherings and training programs. // April 20-21, April 23-24 (Pastors) – “Two Days One Night” // May 17-19 (Thurs – Sat) | GLF (Global Leadership Forum) Lay Leaders & Professionals // June 16 – July 27 | Global Leadership Development Institute – 40 Day Leadership Program // August 8 – 10 (Sun – Fri) | National Intercessory Prayer Conference
Please pray for continued wisdom, health, and leadership over Dr. John C. Kim as he continues preparing to establish Kingdom College and Rev. Ezra SoonYoung Kang as he oversees the various JAMA Ministries and Equipping Programs. Please pray for increased wisdom, discernment, health, and leadership upon the entire JAMA Staff, including the JAMA Global Campus Board of Directors, Operations Staff, and Facility Management Team. We ask, hope, and pray that JAMA would trust in the LORD, wholeheartedly, in the place that He has called His people and ministry.
We praise God for His faithfulness in allowing JAMA to raise $500,000 for the Matching Fund. Please pray for the continuing fundraising campaigns taking place and that all the funds necessary to execute and fulfill this vision and renovations of the campus would be satisfied.
We are in need of various volunteers and servant-hearted individuals. May the LORD send volunteers and willing individuals to serve in various capacities of need to the JAMA Global Campus.
Please pray for the many individuals who are involved in the various renovation and construction projects across the JAMA Global Campus. Please pray for their health and safety so that they might be able to continue working effectively and in wisdom as they take part of the vision God has placed upon this campus.